October 3, 2013: Introduction. Some initial remarks. Why a blog ? (1.30 PM - 6 PM)
October 10, 2013: Taxonomy, at the origin of a new science. Natural Sciences vs Artifact Sciences.
How to organize the homework: anatomy of an object. (1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
October 17, 2013: Catalogues, the first steps of a comparative study. A primer: ABC.
History vs Science. The Hyperblog. How to describe an object.
The things in the literature. (1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
October 24, 2013: Anatomy of an object: the Case of the Sewing Machine. (1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
October 31, 2013: NO LECTURE
November 7, 2013: Matter and shape: the thing. and its figures.
The Craftsman by Richard Sennett.
(1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
November 14, 2013: The Italian story: from the craftsman society to the technician one.
(1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
November 21, 2013: The context of the innovation: society, culture and patents. (1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
November 28, 2013: L'Italia non è un paese povero, di Joris Ivens. After WWII the economic miracle.
(1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
December 5, 2013: Things on the Walls: the material culture in advs. The Baroque Emblems
(1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
December 12, 2013: Things at Home: The Kitchen & the Living Room. (1.30 PM - 6.30 PM)
December 12, 2013: Pi and the Sewing Machine. Anatomy Lecture on the Pi Number
(9 PM - 10.30 PM)
December 19, 2013: Things at Work: Tools & Machines. The Engine History (1.30 PM - 7.00 PM)
January 9, 2014: Critical review of the Blog activities. Stop to the email correspondence. (12 AM - 1.30 PM)
January 13, 2014: Critical review of the Blog activities. (1.30 PM - 7.00 PM)
January 16, 2014: Final evaluation. (1.30 PM - 7.30 PM)